In the Beginning

Welcome to the website that will try to get you to stretch your beliefs in how you see the world and hopefully provide some insight on what you can perhaps help do about it. These posts will attempt to illustrate the stark reality of how, as humans, we are easily controlled and manipulated to the benefit of the few who are at the top of the heap, and those who are trying to get there. The assumption will be that you have read the book Reflections on a F*cked-Up World, however it is not necessary that you have. Perhaps after reading a few posts you will want to.

For most of us the ‘beginning’ is when we are born and raised, up to the age of three or four years old. By then our personalities have been formed. We will have certain biases, fears, and hopes. We will know what will make us unhappy and what will make us happy. All of this has been formed by our parents or those who raised us, based on their biases, hopes, and fears. We are basically a psycho/emotional carbon copy, or perhaps the opposite depending on how traumatic the experience of being raised was. From this point forward we are further moulded by what happens in our lives, good and not so good. The North American statistic for mental health issues is that over twenty percent of the population have them. Some more severe than others. Unfortunately this is something we all have to contend with, both on a personal and societal level. Also, unfortunately our leaders do not do much about this phenomenon to help make things better for those who suffer, which is very possible. Our leaders, rather than taking preventative approaches take the “putting out the fires” approach. They deal with problems after they happen! Their excuse is that they do not have the financial resources for preventative measures – but they do, they just prefer to waste them on other matters; usually those that involve making and saving money, either for big government or for big business. The bottom line is that the general population, you and me, are the losers. We get to see friends, relatives, and sometimes our individual selves left to struggle with all kind of mental health issues without proper help.

When we look at the world and what is happening, particularly all the almost unexplained horrendous violence often committed very many times by young people, do we ever blame the real culprits? Perhaps we should be looking at our leaders and asking them why there are not more free of charge counsellors, psychological support, and social workers in schools and community, rather than security guards? I guess bullets are cheaper than professional helpers? Although, they do not seem to mind spending the money on cleaning up the aftermath. Shame on them!

Watch Ray on YouTube: Mental Health and the Younger Generation