Democracy Hypocrisy

We are always hearing how wonderful Democracy is. All I have to say is ‘Ba Humbug’. Democracy is supposed to be a form of government that reflects and expresses the voice of the majority of citizens. The administration is supposed to be fairly elected representatives who represent the desires of  the majority of citizens living in their designated geographic regions.

Let’s really be honest and admit the above is not happening at all. First, our representatives are, more often than not, put into power by a minority of citizens. This happens because a huge percentage of people, for good reason, do not trust those who are running to be politicians; so they do not even bother to vote. Why vote if nobody running can, or will do the job properly? What’s the point in having the best of the worst? And besides, what does a person’s single vote achieve anyway? Have you ever heard of a politician winning or losing by one vote?

I know some of you are saying,”If you can do better, then why don’t you run for politics?”. Come on, let’s not kid ourselves -try! Are you rich or have a major benefactor, are you a celebrity, do you have family in politics, and will the other party members support you unless you do what they want; regardless of what the majority of citizens want. Who is kidding who? Politicians are an ‘old boys club’, even the young ones! They are also people who are able to say YES to everyone to get their vote, and then once in power vote NO, or vice versa.

The next problem, is we have ‘party’ systems in which our representatives vote for what the party leaders want, not what the the citizens want. It is not much different than a dictatorship, except we go through the motions of having fair representation and voting. Everyone including the media make it look like everything is above-board, at least until there is a scandal of some sort. But we all know who will win in the end, usually big business and the politician’s pet special interest groups – certainly not the majority.

You might want to think about what I have said the next time you hear someone get on their ‘high horse’ about how wonderful Democracy is. Although, it could be, if most of our politicians were honest and had any real integrity!